Tuesday 22 November 2011

Learning Activity 4: Cropping an image

In Halo, the Magnum is well known for it's rather "godly" power as an extremely powerful sidearm, here I brought more attention to the sidearm rather than the sci-fi soldier that's wielding it in the advert for the remake of a classic game by the name of "Halo CE"

Eliminating the Halo 3 ODST logo in the bottom right corner leaves the image with just the aerial battle between alien spaceships, and some "drop pods" that are hurtling down to the ground. It also frees up the picture from being "locked in" by the plant-like growth that hung off of the edge of the cliffs that were visible in the original image on the left and right.

Cropping the alien soldier here to display just it's helmet, and the weapons it held intensifies the feeling of the scene, dynamically altering it from just a lovely looking shot to a tense, almost western-like standoff where the characters grimace and stare tensely at each other. Added captioning and letter-boxing for increased effect.

Originally taking a landscape picture and then cropping it to fit a portrait layout is optimal in this photo as it prevents the waste of a lot of space - The background, trees, fence, ground, bushes, are all very non essential, and having too much of that washes out the character as the importance of the subject is lost to it's surroundings.

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